Roxy & James | Somerset | Engagement Shoot

engagement shoot in spring in the woodsengagement shoot couple laughing in the leavesroxy laughing with james on the engagement shoot in somersetsomerset engagement shootroxy and james kissing

It was so good to pick up my camera and head outside to photograph Roxy and James in Somerset. It’s been over a month since I’ve had to do anything, and whilst I’ve enjoyed the break I hadn’t realised quite how much I’d missed photographing people. It was weird – but it was almost therapeutic to hold the camera, hang out, and take photos again. Breath in the air. Think. Observe and shoot. Whilst I’m not a fan of the cold I do love the light in springtime. No pain no gain I guess!

Roxy and James made excellent models and suffered in silence as I kept noticing different random spots for as to walk to in the forest. I couldn’t have asked for more and hanging out with them was great. James gave me the giggles so many times. The light was so good too – like, the BEST. And getting to know them a bit better before their wedding was great – I’m really looking forward to it.

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