Folly Farm winter Wedding photos

Emily & Michael | Folly Farm | Wedding

Folly Farm winter Wedding photos


Folly Farm Spring Wedding Photos


Emily and Michael’s Folly Farm spring wedding has been on my list of weddings to blog for far too long. Today I’m making it happen! Dusting off my virtual photography wedding album and hitting publish. I love being a Folly Farm wedding photographer but this was the first time I had been to St Nicholas & The Blessed Virgin Mary in Stowey. It was a beautiful church and a romantic place to get married although sadly I wasn’t allowed to take photos during the ceremony. But the sun shone brightly for spring time and we were so lucky to have such amazing weather. Check out those blue skies!

Towards the end of the day we walked in some amazing fields for some couple photos at sunset. Often my favourite time of the day to take a break and creative some memories. After the walk we heading back for some dance floor action. A few shout outs to some good friends like makeup artist Elle Hitchens and floristry from Sarah Tynan.

Emily got her dress from Temperley and shoes from French Sole. Good to see Michael sporting a local Clifton Suit and shoes from Herring. Not only did these two look amazing they were so relaxed and easy to work with. From getting ready until the party there was no stress. Just laughter, amazing food and huge smiles.

I am a little ashamed it took me so long to blog their wedding photos considering how much I love them. Big apologies! I must admin it has been a lot of fun reliving the day and enjoying their Folly Farm spring wedding photos.

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