Welcome to Albert Palmer Photography
So, my first post on the new website. Wow, so much clean unused space!
Why the new website? I thought I needed to do a little brand improvement starting with a new name.
I have worked hard on my old website’s (www.bertpalmer.com) web ranking and it is now a popular place for couples looking for a wedding photographer in Bristol. I really liked the design of my old website but I always felt limited in what I could do with blog. This was more down to my own coding skills rather than my ambition. The blog is an important marketing tool for me and ‘Blogger’ was really letting me down.
The nail in the coffin for me was Google pulling FTP support so I could not longer publish to my website. Instead I had to create a sub domain for publishing. This stopped me using Woopra for free, which I use for tracking web stats – a pretty important tool!
So I moved to WordPress. I looked at WordPress a year ago when I first started out but didn’t feel my skills were up to setting it up on a new domain. There was also a cost whilst Blogger was free. Another life lesson learned! Don’t be cheap, it costs you more in the long run.
I’ve spent two small hours on the website and have already managed to emulate the same look as the old website. Sure, it needs some fine tuning and there are a few things I can’t change but the blog style and navigation are vastly improved.
I hope you enjoy using it to explore my work and learn more about me.