Ali & Andrew | Richmond Park | Engagement Shoot

London Couple Photoshoot in richmond park

A little while ago I headed to Richmond Park with Ali and Andrew for a London couple photoshoot. Other than their own charming selves they bought balloons as an accessory! On our walk we got lost, took photos, avoided deer and dodged a few rain clouds. The adventurous life I lead… Richmond park is always a beautiful place to be, and whilst it was pretty cloudy I love the feel of these photos.

Out of all of the London Parks I think I prefer Richmond. I do mention it in my favourite pre wedding spots of London and it’s one of the few parks that ‘can’t’ get crowded. Whilst there are always lots of people around you can always find a few quiet spots to take some cute photos. Also, there are wild deer. So, that pretty much trumps all the other parks! You also have the building of Pembroke Lodge and so, as well as the wildness of the area you have some interesting gardens to wander around.

It was also great to finally meet Ali and Andrew and find out a little bit more about their wedding plans for next year. They are actually getting married in Suffolk, with lots of family and friends. It’s going to be a great celebration and I can’t wait to play a role in their day.

Here are some of my favourite photographs.

couple holding heart shaped balloons on engagement shootcouple laughing on woodland engagement shootred balloonsdeer of richmond parkcreative engagement shoot in londonali and andrew walk along a forest pathbeloved engagement shoot londonsummer photo shoot in richmond parkcouple smiling at one another on london engagement shootali and andrew in the grass in richmond parkengagement ring photobeloved shoot in richmond parkali and andrew's beloved shootandrew kisses ali's shoulderali and andrew smilingali and andrew walk through long grassrichmond park beloved shootpark engagement shoot in londonforest engagement shoot in londoncouple holding one another in forest shoot

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