Leather Wedding Albums

So I’m really excited to share with you my final range of wedding albums with leather covers. O yes. During the winter months I’ve been putting together a sample album, because being able to show you exactly how elegant these are is hard to do with just words, or even pictures. Below you’ll find different swatches of the colours available. Like my cotton covered and photo covered albums these are fine art albums which feature beautiful archival quality pages.

They fit seamlessly into, and complement the rest of my album range. What I love about them is how modern they are. When I think of leather albums I think of big, dusty, monstrous books that are too heavy to hold. These are such a pleasant contrast. The leather is so chic and sophisticated. Photos look so good in them that they make you want to show them to all your friends and family. They aren’t meant to be stored away somewhere, forgotten about. They look great on your living room bookshelf or on top of your coffee table. Like the other albums the pages are made of fine art paper so it shares that contemporary feel.

If I can sum them all up: the photo covered books are modern and fun. The cotton range is cool and alternative. And the leather covered albums are elegant and chic.

modern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albumsmodern leather wedding albums

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