Sarah & Ben | Devon | Wedding
It was great to be Sarah and Ben’s Devon wedding photographer – just a few months ago I got the loveliest email from Sarah and Ben asking whether I was free for their homespun/wedfest/countryside wedding down in Devon. Thankfully I was, and I travelled down to a remote spot on a glorious sunny day in October. It was a heck of a wedding and putting together these photos for the blog bought a big smile to my face. Long time readers of the blog (aka my mum) might recognise Sarah from Emma & Ollie’s wedding a few years ago and it was great to see Leanne and Matt again, and also the best men who frankly, ought to turn professional with the speeches… It was great to chat to family and friends, thank you for making me feel so welcome. And a big thank you to Sarah’s sister for driving me to the church 🙂
One of my favourite moments of the day was the ceremony. With a long standing family friend as the priest it was a really fun, yet emotional point. Only beaten by the longest confetti line in history!
Check it out…