How To Be A Wedding Photographer
The internet is scattered with places where you can read how to be creative and take eye catching photographs. Personally I listen to a number of podcasts which give technical advice and also advise on technique. But no amount of reading or listening is a substitute for real life experience. If you’re thinking of getting started in the business I recommend you make connections with professional photographers and ask whether you can assist them, or even just come along and observe what they do. When I moved to Bristol I was second shooting for a number of different photographers and it was a great way of learning what it took to make it. You will get many rejections but keep pestering them because this is the BEST way to learn.
Simply ask if you can carry their heavy gear bag and pass them lenses as they need them. Of course you need to be observant and note what goes on in the wedding and how the photographer reacts. This sort of experience is great before you do a wedding of your own. Don’t expect to be paid for you time – instead consider it as the cheapest education you will get! The more experience you get the more you will be able to participate and help other photographers and perhaps become a second shooter. This might be a good point to evaluate whether you are good at being a wedding photographer and whether it is something you want to continue to do.