Best Wedding Photographer In The South West 2022
Best Wedding Photographer In The South West 2022
This post is a little thank you to all of the amazing couples who wed in 2021. It was a genuine joy to be a part of each of your weddings and without you I wouldn’t be doing something I love. High fives for voting for me in the wedding industry awards. I only went and won it for the 4th time!
This might be old news if you follow me on The Gram and if you’re interested here are my posts for the previous years in 2017, 2019 and 2021.
This was honestly a huge surprise for me, I didn’t think I’d win because there was a huge amount of talent in the area.
I tend not to enter photography awards (it gets expensive!) but TWIA does peak my interest. It’s the feedback from couples which is so valuable to me. It doesn’t depend on a single image, but rather the overall quality of your work and crucially customer service over the course of the year. That’s what sets it apart and receiving the feedback is well worth the price of entry for me.
Also, there is no question that the panel of judges is at the top of their game. Knowing they have their thumb on the pulse helps give this award a certain amount of credibility (IMHO!)
Sadly I couldn’t make the award ceremony (and I didn’t win!) because I was on holiday. But a congratulations to the other regional winners and all of the other finalists, I raise my coffee mug to you!
I’ll be doing my level best to win for a 5th time next year. One thing I love about working for myself is the motivation I have to improve each year. Whether it’s taking better photos, or offering a better experience there’s always something to get my teeth in to and a fresh challenge to level up.
Also, 1st March celebrates my 13th year in business. I don’t really know how I feel about that! But I do feel nervous and excited before the start of every wedding – who’d have thought!